Welcome to Massage2Heal
The Clinic of Holistic Massage with the Healing Touch
Sheffield, UK – Tel: 07933324557

Relieving Your Pain Is Our Mission
Stress; Migraine/Headache; Head & Face Pain; Neck & Shoulder Pain; Back Pain; Elbow/Arm/Hand Pain; Hip/Thigh/Buttock Pain;
Torso Pain; Knee/Ankle/Foot Pain; Joint Pain; Sciatica; Trapped Nerve, etc
Not a Problem! We Have the Solution.
"What hurts us is what heals us" - Paulo Coelho. So, Why Stay In Pain When We Can Help You?

Our Healing Hands Are Here To Help
We offer Deep Tissue Massage, Myofascial Release, Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Acupressure. We have a therapy for every need.
"There's hope at the bottom of the biggest waterfall" - Patrick Ness.

My symptoms started around three years ago with lower back pain and bilateral leg pain/paresthesia. I also developed right drop foot. An MRI scan confirmed L5/S1 disc dehydration and minor broad disc bulge. I have been on patches for quite a while now. Since meeting Mr Cheng seven weeks ago, I have halved my medication after he discussed the best treatment for my symptoms. He is very dedicated and professional. I would recommend him to any person having back problems.
I am now finding I’m walking longer distances without having to sit down due to leg weakness. After each session my muscles feel much lighter. The large lumps at the bottom of my spine on both sides have dispersed, giving me much pain relief. I continue to do stretching exercises and follow Mr Cheng’s good advice. I wish a doctor would have recommended him to me three years ago.